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Video teleconferencing, or VTC, has enabled companies to reduce or completely eliminate their annual travel expenses and those companies with international clients are really feeling the advantages of these technological marvels. These days, instead of job opportunities for those willing to travel, those same job openings are being filled by those who can navigate and perform tech service on a company’s teleconferencing system. It’s been a cure-all for companies working hard to reduce overhead. A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder of says it’s a great way for attorneys to meet and discuss legalities of their cases and it’s an ideal solution for a law firm whose partner may already be out of town, but who needs to collaborate with another partner on business matters.

There are other advantages too – from an environmental standpoint. Less travel means a smaller carbon footprint. Anything good for the environment is always preferable and coupled with the savings of fewer airline tickets, hotels and meals, it becomes the right fix for even the larger companies that might have the bigger budgets for annual travel.

The overnight success of Skype has made it even easier for us to meet via web cams. “It’s a great alternative to more traditional meetings – even when out of town travel isn’t part of the game” says A. Harrison Barnes. Today, lawyers are opting for an impromptu Skype meeting to avoid midday traffic or in an effort to get out of the office early. Skype offers its services at no cost, but even those legal firms that choose more advanced capabilities, the cost savings are substantial. In fact, many of the employers on are conducting interviews with potential job candidates via VTC. No worries, though if you don’t have those capabilities, employers are taking advantage of when they can, but they’re still having those face to face meetings, too.

As with all of the incredible gadgets from the 20th, and now 21st, century, intricate VTC systems will drop in prices and before long they’ll be as common as cell phones and laptops. Remember, when cells and personal computers were developed, few people could afford them today, very few of us can imagine a life without our gadgets.

If, however, you are able to conduct an interview via teleconferencing, you’ll want to be sure to approach it as though you were walking into an office instead of logging in online. Dress appropriately, turn your cell off and put your dog in another room. Also, be sure to turn the television and/or music off, too. The last thing an employer wants to do is talk over the soap opera or talk show in the background. Avoid picking up that glass of diet Coke or cup of coffee and certainly, avoid eating while on camera. You’d be surprised at how many forget their manners. Finally, recognize glitches happen. The best preparations don’t always guarantee a flawless VTC interview. Be patient and if the employer decides a face to face interview would best serve his purposes, by all means, accept the request for a face to face meeting.

A few rules and forethought can ensure an excellent interview via one of the latest must haves in technology.

Matinez Betheliza – Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology. Provides you with a deep level of insight into your career direction and career development.

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