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In the 1980s, the best cities for those looking to earn a living were found in the southeast and southwest. The construction boom was on – it was alive and kicking and promised years of profits – both for companies and their employees. During the 1990s, it was all about Silicon Valley and the west coast. The dot com companies ruled the world and impressed society with all the marvels of the internet, online shopping, banking and even home and automobile purchases. The millennium brought about major changes, however. While construction and technology still provided strong job numbers, change was in the air. Toss in terrorism, hurricanes named Katrina and the now infamous mortgage meltdown, and the dynamics were in place for a major recession and changes in the way our society saw everything from presidential elections to the hope for the future of jobs. It’s the future of jobs that remains so difficult to define and impossible to predict.

We were left to pick up the pieces and all the while, find a way to survive a series of tragic events. Still, there were those who played a role in changing the way we defined our new careers. A. Harrison Barnes, founder of sites such as, and, believes the key is rolling with these changes. Careers evolve, times change and recessions…well, recede. It’s those who can most effectively adapt to the ever changing times who will discover the most satisfaction in their careers. It is career advice such as this that keeps Barnes on the cutting edge in all things employment related.

Where does all this leave us now as we begin the arduous approach to rebuilding after an extended recession and record job losses? A. Harrison Barnes believes new approaches to the way we have traditionally conducted job searches is key. One can no longer expect to rely solely on his local classified ads, nor can he depend on the ever growing number of job boards that are difficult to follow and often include outdated jobs. Time spent on positions that are outdated and no longer available is time that could have been spent on an interview with an employer who has a need to fill a current opening that you’re qualified to fill.

Sites such as are revolutionary in that they’re all inclusive and only offer the most current jobs. With a dedicated staff that monitors the positions, job seekers know they’re not wasting their time on jobs posted months ago that have long since been filled. With November 2009 unemployment rates just announced that are still at 10%, every advantage is crucial in the job hunt. Whether it’s part time work, construction jobs or even government jobs, if they’re available, they can be found on

Picking up the pieces and moving forward is never easy, but it’s in hindsight we see how we’ve grown and how much better our lives are not despite the difficulties, but because of them.

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