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While the construction sector hasn’t enjoyed the heyday it once had in the early 1980s, there are many opportunities for any number of skilled workers. Even better is the projected outlook for 2010 and beyond. With the many possibilities, including the potential for travel, likely overtime and advancement opportunities, many have built their lives and careers doing construction work. We often equate construction work with having to relocate several times a year, but there are usually excellent opportunities nearby that allow one to return home each night with little or not travel involved.

The pay, according to the Bureau of Labor Stats, is considered “relatively high hourly earnings”, the job outlook is excellent and the crossover ability is absolutely possible. Many construction workers are skilled at various duties, making them highly sought after in the industry. Those who can do a number of tasks well often find themselves being promoted to better job positions, better pay and benefits. The goal is to be sure you’re bringing it all to the table: skill sets, a concise resume and a powerful team standing behind you as you build a foundation every other career decision is based on.

Further, many construction positions are actually government jobs, thereby making them even more sought after. Those who pass certifications tests and have certain licenses, via government documentation or other industry accepted guidelines, are increasingly in high demand. Despite huge layoffs over the past seventeen months, indicators suggest the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is nearing as more companies begin once again to bringing their employment rates to a pre-recession target. Because construction work is so closely related with interest rates, tax laws, and even political goings-on, it can be a bit unpredictable; still, the variances aren’t the only factors. Experience, of course, is the first thing employers look for and versatility also goes a long way, according to BLS.

Finding job opportunities is often a matter of eliminating those openings that have already been filled and focusing in on those who are actively seeking new talent. Too often, traditional job boards fall short in maintaining current databases. Since so many dynamics go into many of the larger employment sites, consistency can be elusive. This is one reason A. Harrison Barnes founded His goal was to take the frustration out of searching job databases and streamline them so that clients had access to those jobs that aren’t advertised by traditional means. The results have been more than remarkable. With access to over 75,000 jobs in every sector of the American economy, including construction jobs, you’re sure to have an edge over every other job seeker. A combination of advertised positions as well as those that aren’t accessible by traditional means gives clients an advantage.

A dedicated staff ensures your resume is powerful, concise and sure to get noticed by those making hiring decisions in both U.S. and international markets. Built on a foundation of transparent policies, Harrison Barnes has brought searching for new jobs to a higher level.

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