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Interviews are the processes where by the short listed candidates are called by the recruiters for screening and testing them for a suitable job. The job seeker, about to face the interview panel is required to brush up his interpersonal and communicative skills along with technical aspects. This article gives you an overview of various types of interviews.

Screening interview: This is one of the first stages in an interview says A. Harrison Barnes, CEO of In such interview, you–the candidate, are required to meet the recruiter, there after you need to go through the follow up process, where by you come in contact with the person who is hiring. At times, you may also be required to meet the hiring authority directly. The hiring authority goes through a thorough screening process, where they shortlist the most capable candidates. Panel Interview: Another kind of interview that A. Harrison Barnes talks of is the panel or group interviews where there is a panel of interviewers try deliberately to upset you by asking challenging questions. This is test to test your stress handling abilities. The situations are quite different when there are a group of members interviewing you. There are also cases when group of applicants are called in at the same time by the panel.

Some of the jobs require the candidate to perform under pressure and stress. The interviews for this kind of jobs are called stress interview, says A. Harrison Barnes. Here the recruiter tries to build in stress in the job seeker and test his handling capability. People are generally very averse to negative comments or criticism. The hiring professionals criticize candidates to see how they react. He may be firing questions at you too quickly, interrupt you in the middle of a sentence, or switch from one question to another. Other pressure tactics include, not believing in whatever you say purposely to check your reaction.

The large organizations, these days are making use of structured interviews says A. Harrison Barnes. The recruiter here sees whether the job seeker possess necessary skills and qualifications to carry out their jobs. The interview of this kind is highly structured. The job seeker must not leave out any essential information about his career and qualification.

The styles of interview may be of two kinds, either behavioral or traditional interviews. The traditional interviews mainly focus on basic and broad based questions, like the reasons for you choosing the company, revealing of your past weaknesses and strengths. The interpersonal and communicative skills of the job seeker, the recruiter tries to figure out, whether the candidate will be able to perform in a group and whether he is fit for the organization says A. Harrison Barnes.

Another style of interview may be the behavioral job interview. The job interviews of this kind are based on principle that your past performances are the indicators of your future performances. You may be asked about your past performances, the cases when you failed to achieve your targeted goals, or fraught with an unexpected problem. The fresher and the fresh grads need to sharpen their communicative skills to face the interview board. Social services provided by you, or hobbies may increase your job prospects. The job seekers are required to prepare answers for four types of questions, such as description of a particular situation, discussion of the actions that you under took, elaboration on the outcomes, specifications about the lessons learned.

Reality interview is another kind of interview. Traditional questions like the way in which you have handled a particular stressful situation, the way in which customer complaint was handled may be asked. The main objective is to figure out the techniques applied in the past and the ways in which the techniques will be improvised in case of future problems. The questions of these kinds help the job seeker to display his talents and skills.

Disorganized interview by the most incompetent, unprofessional and inexperienced employers are not very uncommon says A. Harrison Barnes. The best way of handling these interviews is by showcasing your skills and abilities.

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